Last Cast: October 2018

Enough %$!!#@ rain already. I have lost count of the number of times this year I have planned on going fishing only to be washed out by the rain. As I sit here writing my column, I should be at Big Run State Park fishing for wild brookies. Unfortunately, the trip was postponed because of the RAIN! The problem is that for my column, I was going to write about the trip. Given I do not have a trip to write about, this will be a brief “Last Cast”.

To start, we have several exciting events this month. The big event is our 51st Annual Banquet on Saturday, October 20th at the AMVETS Valley Memorial Post #9!
If you are a new member or have never attended the Banquet, I encourage you to attend. I promise you will not be disappointed. Jon Thames and Andy Mekelburg have been putting together some amazing Bucket and Silent Auction items. Plus, the winner of the beautiful Winston rod & reel will be drawn.

You can also enter to win the “Traveling Rod”, which entitles the winner to use a brand new Scott 6-weight fly rod and reel for 2019. Lynn Ashe won it last year. It will include a journal for you to document your fishing adventures with the rod during the year. New this year will be a beautiful wood box for the Traveling Rod that was made by Troy Kitch. It looks awesome!

Also, I am happy to say that we will have our first monthly Project Healing Waters Meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd. This will be an Open House for military personnel at Fort Detrick and veterans in our area that would like to participate in the program. The goal of the program is to assist with the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled, active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly-fishing. I am very excited that the Club can do this.

On Wednesday, October 10th, Don Fine will help induct Lefty Kreh into the Frederick High School Distinguished Alumni Association. Don put together the application and played a big part in making this happen. Thank you, Don!

On Thursday, October 11th, Dan Neuland will lead a group of lucky Club members to the Salmon River in New York to fish for King & Coho Salmon at the DSR. I can’t wait to see pictures of the monster fish that they always catch. Thank you Dan for again leading this great outing!

Finally, what column of mine would not ask for volunteers to become involved with PVFF? None of these events would be possible without volunteers. Would you like to get involved with PVFF? This is a great opportunity and we are always looking for help. No experience required. Just let me know. I think that you would find it very rewarding.

In closing, if there is anything you would like to see improved upon with our Club please do not hesitate to contact me. You are always welcome to join us at our monthly Board of Directors’ meeting.

Thank you for being part of this Club. See you at the next meeting!

Larry Forte

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