Passing down knowledge of fly fishing from an experienced fly fisher to a beginner is an important part of the educational mission of the Potomac Valley Fly Fishers. Our Mentor Program is geared toward helping people that have little or no experience in fly fishing. Volunteer mentors will provide customized instruction in all areas of fly fishing, both on and off the stream, and introduce you to club activities.
If you would like to request a mentor and you are a club member, you can do so below. After going to the web form by clicking the below button, you will answer a few questions about your experience level, where and for what species you want to fish, what equipment you have, and some other basic information. Then you will be paired with a mentor that matches your needs. You can also click the other button if you wish to become a mentor. So, if you ever thought that you have a good base of fly fishing knowledge that could be of use to a beginning fly fisherman and are willing to pass it on, please consider volunteering to be a mentor. And if you are just starting out on your fly fishing journey, we should have someone who is willing and able to help you along!

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