By Dan Neuland
Joe Bruce from Westminster, Maryland, will be our featured speaker for our next meeting on Tuesday, October 8th. Joe is our local authority on shallow water fishing in fresh and saltwater throughout the Delmarva region. Joe logs over a hundred days a year fishing, writes a weekly blog and is an innovative fly tier. His articulated bullethead darter fly has taken over 37 different fish species from bluegill to tarpon.

With over a half century of fly fishing experience, as well as tying flies, Joe has a pretty good understanding of fish and a better appreciation of their environment. Joe admits that it wasn’t always that way:
“My first experience with the fly rod was not a pretty sight. I bought a dozen flies from a department store for a dollar (you can imagine the quality) and went to a farm pond armed with my Dad’s hardware store outfit. I actually did catch some bluegill, though, and was hooked. Soon after, I started to tie my own flies. I bought my first fly tying kit for eight dollars and proceeded to tie some strange flies with it. Some of the results actually worked on bass, panfish and saltwater species. This inspired a love of designing flies that has never left me.”
Joe opened The Fisherman’s Edge Fly Shop in 1989 and it existed for fifteen years before he retired in order to fish more. Joe is a freelance writer who has authored four books and numerous booklets on fly fishing and tying. According to his website, Joe is always tinkering at the tying bench trying to create that “silver bullet,” the fly that will catch every fish, every time, and he is still looking!
Joe will be bringing flies and autographed books to sell at the meeting. Be sure not to miss this excellent opportunity to learn a few tips that are sure to help you net more fish. Hope to see you on the 8th of October!
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