Treasurer’s Update

By Dennis Allen

At the last Board of Directors meeting, your Board approved the new PVFF budget for 2020. In summary, membership income this year is expected to be around $1,800 and operating expenses are around $5,400. As you can see, membership dues do not cover all expenses, but we also have income from the annual banquet and auction, the rod raffles, shirt sales, and ad hoc donations from various members.

The biggest parts of our operating expenses are fly tying classes ($1,100), insurance ($450), the newsletter ($1,200), and meeting room rent ($920). The remainder of the expenses include the picnic, fees for some of our speakers, the website, and our Fly Fishing International dues.

In any event, we still expect a small budget deficit this year, so we are making two changes going forward:

  • First, we are going to limit our miscellaneous donations and conservation project expenses to the income from the 50/50 raffles. Each meeting we will announce the recipient of the raffle income so please participate – they are good causes. You might win also!
  • Second, we are going to increase next year’s dues by $3, so membership will be $15/individual and $20/family.

The Board of Directors will continue to handle these matters so you can concentrate on monthly meetings, fly tying, and fishing, but if you want to know more, please find me or Andy Mekelburg and we can discuss any of this.