October 2018 Club Meeting: Beaver Creek

By Larry Forte

The October 9th meeting of the PVFF will feature John Mullican, Field Operations Manager for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Freshwater Fisheries Program.

Beaver Creek brown trout.

Beaver Creek is a great fishery. In the 1950s, Beaver Creek was arguably the best trout stream in Maryland, but the stream began a slow decline in the 1970s due to sedimentation, deforestation and contamination from chemical sprays on nearby farmlands. Once all but abandoned by fishermen, the stream has made an enormous comeback since 2002, largely due to the efforts of the Beaver Creek Watershed Association.

Maryland DNR Freshwater Fisheries personnel electro-shock surveying Beaver Creek.

Healthy Brown, Rainbow trout and the insects that feed them have returned to Beaver Creek, and naturally reproducing trout populations are supplemented by annual stocking from the Maryland DNR.

John’s presentation will cover current land use and restoration activities in the Beaver Creek watershed and present the status and trends of the wild Brown Trout population. Fish survey locations, methodology and management will also be explained.

Viz Ezerski with Argentine brown trout.

Also, at our next Monthly Meeting on November 13th, Viz Ezerski will show pictures from his recent fly-fishing trip to Argentina and Patagonia.

Hope to see you on the 9th!

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