As mask and social distancing restrictions around the country are easing, so are they with Project Healing Waters. Recently PHWFF released the following statement:
“On June 10, 2021, the organization further expanded outdoor healing gatherings for all PHWFF programs Nationwide – enabling a total of 20 volunteers and participants per in-person outdoor healing gathering to engage in Fly Fishing Education, Fly Casting, Fly Fishing Day Outings, Fly Tying, and Fly Rod Building classes.
In accordance with recent CDC Guidance and due to greatly increased fully vaccinated percentages within the organization and across the nation, PHWFF eased mask requirements for outdoor healing gatherings when individuals maintain a physical distance of six feet or greater from other individuals. Masks remain required for unvaccinated individuals only when they cannot maintain a physical distance of six feet or greater from other individuals under any circumstance.”
There are some additional obstacles yet to be cleared, but my hope for next month is that I am writing to you about all of the fish the veterans have caught.
If you have any questions or would like to participate in any of our upcoming fly tying sessions, please reach out to me at any time or go to our Facebook page Project Healing Waters – Frederick Chapter.
Andrew Frutiger
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