On May 4th 2021 at 7pm, PVFF Club Member Rick Loose will demonstrate, via Zoom, how to tie a Clouser Deep Minnow. Members who are interested in tying the fly…
Category: Announcements
Conservation Corner: PVFF Home Waters Clean Up
As spring arrives, tens of thousands of volunteers come together to remove trash from local streams, creeks, rivers, and parks as part of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s Project…
It’s Time for the Spring Fly Swap
As we have for the past few years, our club will host a spring fly swap for 2021. Here are the details: tie twelve flies to be shared with other…
Time to Book Em Danno: Let’s Plan Some Outings
While I know that not every PFFV club member remembers the original Hawaii Five-O, those of us who do will never forget the phrase, “Book Em Danno.” For that matter,…
Announcing Our New Mentor Program for 2021
By Kevin Haney Passing down knowledge of fly fishing from one generation to another is part of the educational mission of the Potomac Valley Fly Fishers. To that end, we…
Time to Renew Your PVFF Club Membership Dues for 2021
By Ruby Fine Please fill out our Membership Application/Renewal form and send with your payment to the address shown on the form to Dave Dowiak, the 2021 Membership Chairperson. Be…
Clifford Branch Stream Clean Up: December 5th
Our club has been invited by the National Capital and Seneca Valley Chapters of Trout Unlimited to participate in a stream clean up of Clifford Branch, a native brook trout…
PVFF to Start an Advanced Fly Tying Group
By Larry Forte In January, PVFF plans to start an Advanced Fly Tying Group. This will be similar to our very successful Advanced Roundtable from the past, but with a…
It’s Time to Renew Your PVFF Club Membership!
After 18 years I have decided to step down as the PVFF Membership Chairperson. David Dowiak has agreed to take over my position. I will be working with him through…
Don’t Miss Our (Virtual) Annual Banquet and Raffle!
The PVFF Virtual Banquet is October 24 at 6:00 pm on Zoom. Not only will we pick the raffle prize winners (although you don’t have to be present to win),…
Local Fly Shop Status: May 16, 2020
As of May 16, 2020, Beaver Creek Fly Shop in Hagerstown, Hunting Creek Outfitters in Frederick, and White Fly Outfitters in Harpers Ferry are open. Backwater Angler near Gunpowder River…
New Brook Trout Regulations Proposed in Maryland
The public comment period is open until May 25 to support a proposed regulation to eliminate harvest of brook trout adults in Maryland’s most pressured waters (i.e., put-and-take areas) and…
Fishing OK in Maryland Beginning May 7
By Andy Mekelburg Hope you all are safe and sound. I wanted to share the following from Governor Hogan’s press announcement on May 6: Citing a leveling-off of hospitalizations due…
Fly Fishers International LIVE online weekly Zooms!
Join fly fishing, casting, and tying experts every week for entertaining and instructive live online discussions and fly fishing talk. View the upcoming FFI Live Online schedule online and sign up!
CANCELLED: June Picnic and “One Fly” Competition
By Dave Keane Due to current conditions, we regret that had to cancel this year’s picnic. At this time, we are still planning to hold our annual family picnic and…
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