Last Cast: June 2018

By Larry Forte

Upcoming June Events:

Enough of this rain already! Finally, as I start to write this column, the sun is out and it looks like it will be a good day. Unfortunately, yard work will keep me from fishing.

However, I am looking forward to what’s coming up for the club. June will be a fun month starting with our June Family Picnic, which will be on Tuesday, June 12th at the Catoctin Nature Center. Come out and join us for a fun evening. This is a family picnic so please bring your family with you. Grill Master and Astronomy Guru Russ Hanson will be manning the grill. The picnic will begin at 7:00 PM. Hot Dogs and Hamburgers will be provided by the club. Please bring a side dish to share. Hope you can join us. There is a large pavilion for our use so even if the weather does not cooperate for us, the event will still go on.

Come out early and do some fishing on our Home Waters. The Second Annual “One – Fly” Tournament will start at 4:00 PM and end at 7:00 PM, just in time for a burger or hot dog. Come out and join the fun! Pick your one fly and go fishing. The person who catches the most fish will win a $25.00 gift certificate from Beaver Creek Fly Shop.

Plus, a new twist to the Picnic – our PVFF “Yard Sale”. Bring your fly fishing items to sell or trade.

A couple of days later, on Thursday, June 14th, we will fish the Gunpowder River in Northern Baltimore County. We will depart Frederick at 2:00 PM and hope to catch the evening Sulphur hatch. Let me know if you would like to join us.

On Saturday, June 16th, we will be hosting our annual Project Healing Waters event at Otter Camp, near Thurmont, MD. We will start at 8:00 AM and host between 10-13 military veterans from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD.

On Saturday, June 23rd, we will try our luck fishing the Monocacy River. Details to come. Also, we are always looking for club members to lead a fishing outing. If you are interested and would not mind sharing one of your favorite “fishing spots”, let me know.

Other Club Items:

By the time this newsletter is finished, we should be very close to having a team assembled to start a Project Healing Waters program at Ft. Detrick. Many members have expressed an interest and have volunteered to help-out, which is great.

Also, we have a great schedule of programs for the fall including a presentation about fly-fishing the Letort Spring Run in September and a look at the health of Beaver Creek in October.

Finally, if there is anything you would like to see improved with our club or if you are interested in getting more involved with the PVFF, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Plus, you are always welcome to join us at our monthly Board of Directors’ Meeting.

Thank you for being part of this club. See you at the picnic!

Larry Forte
Club President