Got Questions? We Got Answers. December Club Meeting: Learning Stations

One thing about fly fishing is that there is always something new to learn, even if you have been fishing for many years. At our December meeting, our goal is to help all members learn something new about the sport we all enjoy. Join us on Tuesday, December 14, at 6:30 PM for some hands-on learning. We will meet at Tuscarora High School. However, we will be in room A201. Club members will be there to help direct you to the meeting room. A reminder that a face covering is required while inside the school.

At our meeting, we will have several learning “stations” for our members.

Have a new reel and fly line? Bring it to the meeting and we will add it to your reel. Want to learn more about what our club has to offer? We will have a table for that. Want to learn more about brookie fishing in our local waters? We will have a table for that. Want to learn about Euro nymphing, vintage fly fishing gear, catching salmon/steelhead in New York, or Tenkara? We’ll have tables for all of these topics, too! There will be something for everyone — and we hope to see you there.

By Larry Forte